Day 42

July 28 - Shabbona State Park, IL We had a peaceful morning around the campsite and left around 10:45am. The drive to Shabbona wasn't going to be as long as the last couple drives, so we felt relief. Ev and Til got right back to playing with their friends (and each other) all morning until we left - we actually hooked up the camper and pretended we were leaving to mess with those sweet children of ours. This drive was similar to yesterday's drive in that it was entirely on the highway, straight-fast driving. We packed lunches and didn't need to stop many times at all. We all have such excited energy to get back home, and after today, we will be more than 2/3 of the way there! We saw the windmills across Iowa and Illinois again and started seeing similar sights (this time, from the other direction) as we backtracked for the first time on our journey. We arrived at Shabbona State Park and were immediately struck by its calm, natural beautiful, sitting on Shabbona Lake...